Friday, December 19, 2008

Some Explanation of the Construction Time Line

Although I just posted the information on the fabrication of the rear flotation tanks today (December 19, 2008), this work was actually completed during the first and second week of July.

Ok, Ok, I hear you now, "Well what the heck have you been doing since then!!!????"

So since that time we went ahead and installed the tanks into the boat. I'll post some pictures and additional explanation of that process shortly.

After the tanks were installed we decided it was finally time to deal with the seats. So I cut those both out and we have completely rebuilt them. Again, I'll post additional explanation and pictures shortly.

With the seats out I had a little bit more room to work, so we went ahead and finished up the final strengthening of the centerboard trunk area. I also put the finishing touches on the forward air tank in preparation for painting. We wanted to paint it while we were painting the seats.

After we got the seats rebuilt we then set up and painted them. I'll detail that process for you in the time before Christmas and New Years. So that just about brings things up to date. We pushed really hard to get the seats painted before the weather got too cold to paint. Yes, even in Atlanta there is winter!

Stay tuned for additional updates and pictures.


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